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Evergreen Foster Care

Evergreen Foster Care evolved as it became apparent within Hopedale Children’s Home, that some children were ready for family life, but unable to move on because traditional foster care did not meet their needs.  We considered and analysed the reasons why these foster placements were not suitable or successful, and consequently developed an innovative, creative package that enables children to thrive and make progress in a family home, when moving from residential care.

Our aim is to provide foster care placements that replicate the structure of residential provision, with high levels of day to day therapeutic and behaviour management support. We recognise that being a foster carer to children with a wide range of difficulties can be isolating and at times extremely challenging. To this end, we aim to provide a wider ‘family’ to ensure that primary foster carers have regular planned respite utilising dedicated respite carers. The respite carers then become key figures in the children’s lives.

Evergreen Foster Care accepts referrals from Local Authorities, and to ensure appropriate matching, all potential applicants for places are processed carefully by the Registered Manager. Referrals can be for children who currently live in a special school or residential home, or children who are unable to secure a traditional foster carer placement due to complex behaviours or previous placement breakdowns.

It is anticipated that children will have social, emotional and / or mental health difficulties or may have aspects of Autistic Spectrum Condition. The policy of Evergreen Foster Care is to obtain as much relevant information as possible about the child, school situation and family background prior to admission. The Registered Manager will then visit the child and liaise with the Local Authority when a decision has been made. If the child is thought to be a match for the programme, the Registered Manager will liaise with the Local Authority about the next steps and move on dates.


For more information on Evergreen please visit:

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Contact Us

Tel: 01538 361886



Hopedale Children & Family Services Ltd

Hopedale House, Off West Drive, Cheddleton, Staffordshire, ST13 7ED

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